Boles Hoquei Herba
Flick Hockey

Bola Hoquei Flick Top Dimple

6,50 €
La Bola Hoquei Flick Top Dimple està pensada perquè la usis en els entrenaments i partits, ja que es tracta d'una bola de gran qualitat. Tria el color que més t'agradi!
Boles Hoquei Herba
Flick Hockey

Bola Hoquei Flick Club Llisa

6,50 €
The Yellow Flick Club Hockey ball is designed for you to use in training sessions and games, as it is a high quality ball.
Petos Entrenament
Flick Hockey

Peto Entrenament Flick Taronja

4,00 €
Make the equipment in training wearing the Flick Orange bib, they provide great comfort thanks to its lightness and breathability.
Petos Entrenament
Flick Hockey

Peto Entrenament Flick Groc

4,00 €
Differentiate yourself from the other team in training with the Yellow Flick training bib. Get great convenience.
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