Boles Hoquei Herba
Flick Hockey

Bola Hoquei Flick Top Dimple

6,50 €
La Bola Hoquei Flick Top Dimple està pensada perquè la usis en els entrenaments i partits, ja que es tracta d'una bola de gran qualitat. Tria el color que més t'agradi!
Boles Hoquei Herba
Flick Hockey

Bola Hoquei Flick Club Llisa

6,50 €
The Yellow Flick Club Hockey ball is designed for you to use in training sessions and games, as it is a high quality ball.
Boles Hoquei Herba

Bola Hoquei Kookaburra Standard

16,95 €
The Kookaburra Standard Hockey ball is the one used at a professional level, the highest quality and in Flick Hockey you can get it. Do not miss it.
Petos Entrenament
Flick Hockey

Peto Entrenament Flick Taronja

4,00 €
Make the equipment in training wearing the Flick Orange bib, they provide great comfort thanks to its lightness and breathability.
Accessoris Extres
Flick Hockey

Màscara Nen Flick Hockey Turquesa

9,95 €
New Flick Hockey child masks, reusable and washable up to 50 times, breathable and adjustable. With certifications. Protect yourself by going to the last
Accessoris Extres
Flick Hockey

Màscara Nen Flick Hockey Blau Marí Blanca

9,95 €
New Flick Hockey child masks, reusable and washable up to 50 times, breathable and adjustable. With certifications. Protect yourself by going to the last
Accessoris Extres
Flick Hockey

Màscara Adult Flick Hockey Turquesa

9,95 €
Get the Flick Hockey Masks for adults, up to 50 washes, fully breathable and adjustable to your physiognomy. With all the certifications.
Petos Entrenament

Petos Mazon Taronja

5,50 €
Choose the Mazon Naranaja bib to create teams in training and be able to differentiate yourself. Maximum comfort, lightness and breathability.
Protectors Bucals

Protector Bucal Nen SISU 3D

34,00 €
Ajust fàcil i sense esforç! Els protectors bucals SISU són coneguts per la seva inigualable protecció, comoditat, neteja i remoldeabilitat. Encara que potser no sembli possible, SISU ha fet un protector bucal encara millor.
Canyellera i Polseres
The Indian Maharadja

Braçalet TIM Self-Locking Multicolor

2,00 €
et the new fashionable accessory, the TIM bracelet Self-locking. Choose your favorite color and adjust it to your needs.
Flick Hockey Box
Flick Hockey

Flick Hockey Box - 2 Jugadors

70,00 €
Sessions d'entrenament per a 2 jugadors d'1 hora de durada (jugadors o porters). Des dels 4 anys fins a sènior, mamis i papis.
Flick Hockey Box
Flick Hockey

Flick Hockey Box - 3 Jugadors

90,00 €
Sessions d'entrenament per a 3 jugadors d'1 hora de durada (jugadors o porters). Des dels 4 anys fins a sènior, mamis i papis.
Accessoris Extres
Flick Hockey

Màscara Higiènica Flick Hockey Limited Blau Marí

9,95 €
Protect yourself with our Flick Hockey LTD Hygienic Mask. With all the certifications up to date, up to 50 washes and totally adaptable to your face.
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